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모든 예제
Society & Culture
예제 검색
Socioeconomic Data
Get demographic information about a country:
Russia demographics
Do computations with demographic statistics:
Japan female population / male population
France pop 2000 - France pop 1980
population of India in 2030
Do computations with city properties:
population Brussels / Paris
Get socioeconomic data for a ZIP code:
ZIP 88201 Native American population
Economic Data
Get economic data for the US:
US M1 money supply
Get salary data for a given occupation:
intercity bus driver salary
Get unemployment data for a US state:
unemployment rate North Dakota
Get energy price data:
price of electricity in Illinois
Get home value data:
median home value Madison, WI
예제 더보기
Social Statistics
Get statistics on a specified type of crime:
homicide Phoenix, Austin, NYC
Determine facts about military forces:
Japan military strength
Get information about a religion:
Compare health indicators of countries:
USA vs Cuba medical personnel