Image Processing
Digital image processing is used in many applications, from art to forensics. Wolfram|Alpha can apply dozens of types of filters, transformations and effects to images, including methods with parameters. Apply these processes to thousands of built-in images from microscopic to telescopic.
Basic Image Processing
Scale, crop and rotate raw images or convert them to black and white or grayscale.
Crop an image:
Binarize an image:
Image Effects
Use special effects to make images look like a cartoon, oil painting or charcoal drawing or see an image through a dog's eyes.
Apply various effects to an image:
Color Processing
Perform colorization, invert colors or adjust hue, saturation and brightness. Test for accessibility for persons with visual disabilities.
Perform color processing:
Image Filtering
Apply filters or transforms to change or enhance an image. Use blurring, sharpening, filling and other convolutional filters.
Apply a filter to an image:
Apply a filter with a variable parameter:
Morphological Processing
Erode and dilate image regions. Make a skeleton graph.
Apply a morphological operator to an image:
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관련 WOLFRAM 리소스
Feature Detection
Detect edges, do image segmentation or find lines, crossings and keypoints. Use Radon and Hough transforms.