Wolfram|Alpha contains a large volume of data on materials, both manmade and natural, including woods, metals, minerals, plastics and more. Many of these materials have important applications in industry and construction. Use Wolfram|Alpha to learn about the physical, thermal, mechanical, optical and processing properties of materials and compare materials by common name or manufacturer specification.
Explore data on a large variety of metallic alloys.
Get information about an alloy:
Compare several alloys:
Request a property of an alloy:
Compare the values of a property for several alloys:
Convert between different material hardness scales.
Convert a specific material hardness to various other systems:
Convert a material hardness number into a specific system:
Explore data on material properties of a range of wood varieties.
Get information about a type of wood:
Request a property of a type of wood:
Do computations with wood properties:
Calculate dimensional lumber volumes:
Examine data on a range of bulk materials used in engineering and construction.
Get information about a bulk material:
Query a particular material property:
Compare properties of different bulk materials:
Compute properties of a stockpile:
Get answers to your questions about minerals and their properties.
Get information about a mineral:
Compare several minerals:
Request a property of a mineral:
Do computations with mineral properties:
Get chemical properties of materials.
Compare the density of two common plastics:
Find the chemical composition of a material:
관련 예제
Get data on a huge variety of commodity and engineering plastics.