Human Anatomy
Human anatomy deals with the structural relationships of body systems, organs and their parts, representing key features underlying human physiological function. Wolfram|Alpha computes the connectivities and typical locations of body parts, the physical and developmental properties of teeth, and body measurement statistics including height, weight and body mass index (BMI).
Anatomical Structures
Retrieve and compare basic facts about major internal organs, bones, muscles and blood vessels.
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Use a UMLS Concept Unique Identifier to find an anatomical structure:
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Explore the neuroanatomically divided areas of the brain, which describe the functional organization of the human nervous system.
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Embryonic Stages
Retrieve anatomical information about each Carnegie developmental stage of human embryos during pregnancy.
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Properties of Anatomical Structures
Find various properties, such as nerve/arterial supplies, muscle origins/insertions and constitutional parts relations, that describe connectivity and hierarchical relationships of anatomical structures.
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Find a specific tooth by its number or common name and explore its physical and developmental properties.
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Embryonic Structures
Find associated developmental stages, derived anatomical structures and hierarchical relationships of human embryonic structures.
Find information about an embryonic structure:
관련 예제
관련 WOLFRAM 리소스
Explore body measurement statistics including height, weight and body mass index (BMI), taking into account factors such as gender and age.