Weather, from daily highs and lows to rain and snow, affects both daily lives and worldwide economics. Use Wolfram|Alpha's extensive and continually updated database of weather conditions with worldwide weather forecasts to determine both today's weather and weather in the near future. Explore historical weather conditions and trends. Compute the effects and severity of exposure to inclement weather.
Get current weather information from general reports to specific data, such as temperatures and pressures.
Get a current local weather report:
Get the current weather for a specified location:
Get specific weather data:
Compare weather in several locations:
Get weather forecasts for locations around the world.
Get a local weather forecast:
Get an extended forecast:
Get a weather forecast for a specified location:
Obtain historical temperatures, rainfall amounts and other weather data for locations around the world.
Get local weather history:
Get historical weather information for a specified location:
Compare weather histories:
Compute the risk of sunburn and obtain forecasts for the UV index.
Get the local UV forecast:
Compute how long it's safe to be in the sun:
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Obtain information on the effects and severity of exposure to high and low temperatures.